Sunday 20 March 2011


Attending lectures is part and parcel of student life and it becomes a greater part of student life, when you have three lectures a day for three hours each. This is in reference to our MBA lectures!!  Now that college is drawing to a close, I found myself reminiscing what MMS B did to keep boredom at bay.. :-)

It started with paper ball fights, launched by the back benchers and soon the whole class joined in.. :) The classroom used to be so messy at the end of the day, thanks to the paper balls pouring in from all corners of the class. But it is very much fun!! This was followed by photo sessions, yes the embarrassing ones of others and good ones of the self.. :P Facebook witnessed all the pictures in the first few months. And again much later in the third sem (thanks to Vipinsss and his great photography skills..) :)
 I am sure our profs must be wondering we were so religiously taking down running notes. If only they were ever to lay hands on our notebooks, they would discover the XOXO and Hollywood/bollywood we played during the lectures.. It was a good exercise for the brain.. :P and also all the banter in the notebooks, which helped us pass those three long hours.. Manalee, Daxa and I would always be at it..
Considering the long hours, I found time and convenience to read books. Sitting behind tall people or making people sit in a particular way, so that I could hide my novels, I managed to complete reading a good number of books..!! ;)  Many have read novels and some would study from the library books during the lectures..
One of the fun things to do, was observe the bored and startled expressions of people around.. One of the funniest being Nikhil, who would be gaping with utmost attention, especially in all the RDX lectures and sometimes even during the presentations.. :D :D it was also fun to look at Pratik dumb’s, Neeraj’s  and Chetan Samdadiya’s expressions.. They ranged over a million emotions from surprise to shock to startled, to amazement, to distress to hopefulness for the lecture to get over soon!! :D

The times during the presentations was fun, with people trying to distract the ones presenting and make them laugh.. I have been prey to this for two-third of my presentations.. :P and otherwise too, laughing which comes so easy to me, regardless of the place I am in, got me into trouble many a times.. Got kicked out of some lectures.. :P but when I was on the other side, during the presentations,  I would read my novels, listen to music and watch Big Bang theory with Farzad.. :) or talk/gossip or maybe laughing out loud.. ;)
One of the best value added services of the mobile phone comes to use during long lectures, when you can sms chat with friends outside the class and also with the person sitting next to you.. Sneha, Pooja, Manalee and I have exploited this VAS by sending messages to people in the class from manalee’s new number which no one had.. Our chief target being Neeraj.. :D :D he is a sweetheart! :-) During the Zee campus, we sent messages to Chetan saying its from Neeraj asking him to come sit next to Neeraj.. It was hillarous!! :D :D Chetan was so miffed with Neeraj for the smses.. :D
There was the hiding of mobile phones, books, stationery, chappals and what not.. Also during the break, there was the fighting session in process, seriously it was the time when we were all transported to MET Rishikul.. :P :D Gaurav, Pratik, Rohit and Anukool.. Really don’t know what came over them in those moments.. :D but it will be something all of us will remember, when we think of MMS B.. :-)
Well how could all this go on, without the two greatest loves of mankind, eating and sleeping.. Everyone done tons of it in the lectures.. As for me, eating was not majorly a concern as much as sleeping was! I found myself falling asleep so many times and the most embarrassing moments of all was, when I was caught slipping in my chair and sleeping by Max D’costa, who asked me about the CEO of Microsoft, (Steve Ballmer) in the e-com lecture,  I blurted Steve umm Jobs, Steve toh Jobs hi hoga na.. :P ;) (Sancheti remembered what the question was!! :)..)
Overall, all these help survive the long lectures and the last two years have been a enjoyable time! :) If I missed on anything, you may please add.. :)


  1. you are one heck on an entertainer dudette :) nevertheless you are so write yes..these things help to survive the monsterous lecs too sad tht life is goin to get over soon


  2. hehe.. :D sure.. :) but yes even I am sad to think of it all getting over very soon! we wont be able to do all this in work places.. especially me loling.. :(

  3. ur blog is act a walk down the memory lane .. whenevr i will miss mba days in future i will read ur blog to remember what all use to happen ...alas... its goin to end now
