Thursday 19 May 2011

The Theory of Relativity..

Woody Allen once said, being funny is not anyone's first choice.  Its true.. One can’t always expect things to turn out the way they wanted, sometimes for the fault of the self and it’s sometimes the fault of the other. More often than not the ugly truth peeks at you. Truth knows how to get to you.. It does!! It sets you freee!

When you know it’s your fault, you make amends, (you better get rid of the guilt; it sucks! Period!)

I have failed to understand why one would get into a mess, to feel guilty and then try to get rid of it. It is no funny business, because “WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND”. No one can possibly dodge this one. Guilt finds its way to you. I wonder if it’s the lack of strength of character or the lack of a personality that motivates people to behave the way they do. For once in their lives probably they feel, they can defy everything, but it’s not true. Guess they are the ones who are being fooled. They realised it sooner or later..

Time plays an important role. For the truth to have surfaced at a much later period of time, a) its easy on you, b) you are easy on it. You would care less about it. Guilt can only manifest over a period of time. Realisation of one’s folly too dawns upon one with the passage of time.

The funny part is that you, at the receiving end can be assured that you can do much better than that. The next time you are faced with a unlikely situation, with a unlikely person or unlikely problem; any place, any time you can say to yourself, I can do much better than that! You are so going to feel better. And its true.. Alternately, you’ll be assured that it could have been worse. A worse place, where you wish, no one was in your shoes!

That’s the theory of relativity! An awesome theory applicable to all, no age bar, no gender bar, and also religion! Try it! 

P.S: I envy people with amazing sense of humours!


  1. i love the line: "The next time you are faced with a unlikely situation, with a unlikely person or unlikely problem; any place, any time you can say to yourself, I can do much better than that!"

  2. hmmm!! intresting GLAD you found your answers in an optimistic manner :)

  3. yes dodo.. :-) should look at anything both ways!! :-)the answer lies in either of the two ways! ;)

  4. i loved tht line .. truth sets u free .. it really does ... n i can find all d connections to our discussions in d past few days :-) ...

  5. :) yes its true... ;) yes "what goes around comes around" and other discussions.. more posts I'll write.. :-)

  6. I like the last sentence in the blog.... P.S: I envy people with amazing sense of humours!....... you meant ME right??? ......10/10 for this blog.... Write more...!! :) can i post this on my fb for my friends to read? :p

  7. Dude..... it is sense of "humour" and not "humours"....hohoho :))

  8. haha... do you think its you? you are mad?!?! thank you for the comment:):) humours is a word.. google it.. :P hehehehe hahahaha hohohoho.. :D
