Friday 11 March 2011

Falling into Dimension Z!?!

The first thing that comes as a task when you start your blog is the blog title you need to choose!! Trust me, it took me a good twenty minutes to think of a nice title and incidentally its a beautiful piece of writing from my favorite romantic novel, "The Bridges of Madison County." by Robert James Waller. The story is presented as a novelization of a true story, but it is in fact fiction.

Falling into Dimension Z, is what Robert writes to Francesca, in his last letter telling her how all along he had been falling from the rim of a great high place, somewhere back in time, for many more years than that he had lived in this life. And through, all those years he had been falling towards her!! Well, I'll tell you the TBOMC story.

TBOMC is the intense love story of Robert Kincard, 52, a National Geographic photographer who meets Francesca Johnson, 45, a farmer's wife living in Iowa, while asking around for directions to the Roseman Bridge, one of the seven covered bridges of the Madison County. Franscesca is immensely drawn to Robert Kincaid and surprises herself by offering to guide him to Roseman Bridge and later asking him to join her for dinner. After a nice evening of chatter, food, budweiser beer and Camel cigarettes, Francesca leaves a note for Robert at the Roseman Bridge knowing that he was going to return to the bridge in the morning to shoot more pictures.
Robert finds the note and goes to have supper with Francesca after he finishes work, only to realise that he too has fallen in love with her. They spend the next four days together, while Francesca's husband and kids are away at the Illionis State Fair. However, the grave details of Francesca's married reality stops and finally seperates them.
Robert tries to reason with Francesca telling her that they have both lost themselves and created something else, and they were profoundly in love.
One of the most touching scenes in the book is when Francesca goes grocery shopping with her husband, she finds Robert's truck Harry just thirty feet away at the signal. It is one of the most difficult things for her to do, to let go of Robert, when she could have just reached out to him and left her husband and her children behind. Its then that she realises that she had underestimated her feelings for Robert and that he was right when he had said to her, "I have one thing to say, one thing only, I'll never say it another time, to anyone, and I ask you to remember it. In a universe of ambiguity, this kind of certainty comes only once, and never again, no matter how many lifetimes you live".

Robert sends her copies of the National Geographic, two pictures and a letter in the following years, telling her that he yearns for her and loves her profoundly, describing the way he feels most times as if it were a world that seems to be God-abandoned! Over a period of time, Francesca fills three notebooks with the details of her affair with Robert. Many years later when Richard Johnson is dead, Francesca tries to contact Robert at National Geographic, only to learn that he had died and had left her; his camera equipment, his estate and other belongings including his ashes, which he wishes to be  scattered over the Roseman Bridge of Madison County.
Francesca also requests for her remains to be cremated and ashes scattered over the Roseman Bridge. Its only after her death that her children learn about their mother's great love for one Robert Kincaid and understand how they were the reason for the end of a beautiful relationship! They decide upon having this tale told to the world!! Which brings us to the start of the book..

What Falling into Dimension Z, describes is how we are all racing towards something. Something, which is the purpose we have to fulfill, for which we have been put on this earth! It could be to put a smile on someone's face or invent something or to love someone as profoundly as Robert Kincaid and Francesca Johnson did! However, to find such a love is rare and a kind of certainty which comes only once.. :P considering the uncertainty of relationships in today's times! Maybe people dont know what their Dimension Z is, or maybe sometimes they ignore Dimension Z all along! Hope we all learn about our Dimension Z sooner than later and fall into it!! because that would be the most perfect thing to ever do! :)
I hope no one feel asleep reading this!!! and I might read the Bridges of Madison County yet again, very soon!! Its made into a movie too, Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep, though the book is magical! :) :)


  1. Dude.. Its lovely < just like U ;) >..
    Thanks for the inspiration to make us find our Dimension Z < kind of certainty which comes only once :p >
    Umaahh...... (:

  2. Firstly....congratulations on your blog
    nice!! i liked the way you thot of naming your blog in sync with somwthing that has impacted your life are on the right track!!

    :) proud of you..

    now the task is keep writing...keep coming back!!

  3. congratulations .... now u hav become a blog-writer :-) ... i kno how much this book matters to u and one can feel while readin how deeply this book has made an impact on u ... n i sersly love tht line .. in world of ambiguity this kind of certainty comes only once ... hope we all learn abt our dimension Z
    u hav written it so sincerely .. with all ur heart in it ... it makes readin this blog a beautiful exp... keep writin :-) .....

  4. @pri.. I am so happy that I inspired you so much about Dimension Z.. :) :) thanks for reading it and telling me always how much you liked it!! :)

    @dodo.. thanks!! for all the times you told me to blog, finally I got started!! and I am glad you like the name of my blog.. and I will keep writing.. Realised how much fun and good it feels after writing something!! :) :)

    @poo.. yes Poo, I become one.. and I love this book, its the best written ever for its simplicity and magical narration, it will always remain special for me!! :) :) and yes I hope whoever reads this, finds his/her dimension Z and falls into it with all their heart!! <3

    Love you guys and thanks for reading this post!! <3 <3

  5. hey pooja....your blog sure made for a good read!!..keep it up...n do keep me posted on any piece u write in the future...;-)

  6. thanks reshma for reading it!! :) :) I'll surely send you the link to further posts and also all the 'critical' things I happen to say/do.. ;-)

  7. pooj.....dear first of al SORRY for reading your blog so late........but must say really a good piece of writing......keep it up.......and yes dear we wl learn abt our dimension Z soon....

  8. yes I know you were busy!! but I am glad you that you finally read it and like what I wrote!! :) yes hoping for the same.. :)

  9. Loved this magical book, I read twice already. I loved your interpretation of Dimension Z. Love.

  10. Hey Premlata.. thank you for leaving a comment.! I am glad you love this book, I love it too! And thanks for liking my interpretation of it
