Thursday 16 June 2011

North Pole, South Pole

North Pole, South Pole; that’s how apart men and chivalry are nowadays. Where did all the chivalrous men go? Mars?! Or maybe they are a thing of the past. This is no attempt to generalise all men, because rare as it seems, they are some chivalrous men on planet earth itself. Every girl has the “likelihood” of meeting some chivalrous men along the way.
It’s kind of sad to put it as likelihood and not certainly. But that’s just stating the current state of affairs. Just as women are programmed to be kind in the tender, maternal way, guys were programmed to be kind in a thoughtful, just, caring and considerate manner. It is strange that men were and men aren’t. Can’t really ascertain the reasons for such a behaviour pattern in men these days. They are crude and coarse.
  Maybe reading a few classics, will work as guideline for adopting mannerisms. Or maybe there should have been chivalry classes for boys, instead of moral science classes in school. (The code of chivalry has to get to men somehow.) No man needs to hold the door of the car, for a woman, that’s asking for too much. But he can let a woman enter the elevator or walk through the door first. What’s the hurry anyway? 
For those who say, “Chivalry is dead, ladies you killed it.” How could that possibly be? Women were talking about equality all along, how did the message get out wrong, asking men all around to be rude. Being treated equally doesn’t imply to being treated rudely. I don’t remember any girl being rude or impolite to a guy.

Maybe the absence of a girl sibling causes men to be insensitive towards women. But at times it equally surprising how guys with no sister siblings are chivalrous and gentlemanly. So yeah, it is a rare virtue to find. It leads you to wonder if chivalry is dead already and just when you thought its dead, comes along a chivalrous courteous man:)
There is no harm in a guy being polite, well-mannered, considerate, courteous, gentlemanly, thoughtful, fair and kind. That’s just, in how many ways a man can be chivalrous. And these are good qualities to possess. Why do men shun them?
Gracious good manners and gallantry are a way to any woman’s heart, just as good food is the way to a man’s heart. Women dig chivalry. Period!


  1. Now that should give men some motivation to pull up their socks and get the Chivalry certificate. Yay... come on prove us women wrong and show that u have got it what takes to be chivalrous and charming!!..

  2. hehe.. yes chivalrous men are charming.. hope it is so.. :) let us be proved wrong:)
